If there is a red line in my chess then it must be that I try to avoid chance as much as possible. This can be seen e.g. in a reaction of Kara in which he expresses his surprise about my depth of preparation. In my article which games to analyze I explain in detail how I try to extract lessons from the analyses. Again I try to arm myself against haphazard repetitions. In my OTB-games you can clearly see an allergy for risks to avoid that the result depends too much on luck. For this I already once received right or wrong critique see Lintons reaction on the article Tactic.
However assuming that I always avoid risks is nonsense as I am e.g. no pragmatic player, see chessintuition part 2 or somebody never daring to play a gambit. Now I do admit that the balance clearly leans to prudence and especially playing economically. Playing economically was already once touched in a reaction of my article my most beautiful move. If I can choose between sacrificing material of which the complications are obscure and between (preferably without spending much reflection-time) a quiet continuation which still permits to maintain a position with some prospects then I choose invariably for the second option.
So it happened in round 5 against the British player Andrew Stone that I after a long reflection anyway didn't sacrifice my knight but preferred to retract it to f6. I imagine MNb will probably be shocked again if he sees that I once more chose for the retracting move but sacrificing somebody else's pieces is always easier.
After the game it took me a lot of effort to verify the piece-sacrifice but now I dare to state that it is fully correct. However I would not mention this if there was nothing special about. When I let the engines Houdini 2 and Stockfish 4 calculate on the critical position then none of them found the key-move even on my fastest PC. Something like that I hadn't encountered before with those programs. Was it still possible as human to find a tactical idea at the board which was beyond the horizon of the best engines?
Via the wikispace of testpositions for chess-engines I tried to find recent examples from the tournament-chess. However I didn't have much luck as everything which I checked was pretty quickly solved by my top-engines. E.g. also the testposition 201 out of the standard arasan testsuite. This is an extract from the game Hikaru Nakamura - Anish Giri played in the 2012 Fide Grandprix at Londen.
[Event "1st FIDE GP London 2012"] [Site "London ENG"] [Date "2012.10.02"] [Round "10"] [White "Nakamura, Hi"] [Black "Giri, A."] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C42"] [WhiteElo "2783"] [BlackElo "2730"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r3k3/1p4p1/1Bb1Bp1p/P1p1bP1P/2Pp2P1/3P4/5K2/4R3 w - - 0 47"] [PlyCount "37"] 47. g5 {(A fabulous move. It takes Houdini about 50 seconds to find it. Stockfish needs a bit more with 80 seconds.)} hxg5 48. h6 gxh6 49. Rxe5 fxe5 50. f6 Bd7 51. f7 Ke7 52. Bxd7 Kxd7 53. Bxc5 h5 54. f8=Q Rxf8 55. Bxf8 h4 56. Bh6 g4 57. Bg5 h3 58. Bh4 Kd6 59. Bg3 Ke6 60. Ke2 Kd6 61. Kd2 Kc5 62. Bxe5 Kb4 63. Kc2 Kxa5 64. Kb3 Kb6 65. Bxd4 1-0
Therefore I also looked at some positions from older games which some testers use. One of them was a critical position of the famous game David Bronstein - Ljubomir Ljubjevic. I recently bumped by accident on this game when reading My great predecessors part 2.
[Event "Petropolis Interzonal"] [Site "Petropolis"] [Date "1973.08.07"] [Round "11"] [White "Bronstein, David I"] [Black "Ljubojevic, Ljubomir"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B03"] [WhiteElo "2585"] [BlackElo "2570"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - 0 22"] [PlyCount "39"] [EventDate "1973.07.23"] [EventRounds "17"] [EventCountry "BRA"] [EventCategory "12"] 22. Rxc5 {(My 2 top engines react very differently on this position. Houdini shows Rxc5 immediately but Stockfish even after an hour is still stuck by a4 which nevertheless is also evaluated as winning. However once Rxc5 is executed on the board then Stockfish almost immediately admits that it wins much quicker than a4.)} Nxc5 23. Nf6 Kh8 24. Qh4 Qb5 25. Ke3 h5 26. Nxh5 Qxb3 27. axb3 Nd5 28. Kd4 Ne6 29. Kxd5 Nxg5 30. Nf6 Kg7 31. Qxg5 Rfd8 32. e6 fxe6 33. Kxe6 Rf8 34. d7 a5 35. Ng4 Ra6 36. Ke5 Rf5 37. Qxf5 gxf5 38. d8=Q fxg4 39. Qd7 Kh6 40. Qxb7 Rg6 41. f4 1-0
It is naturally not because I can't find immediately examples from the tournament practice which engines can't solve that they don't exist. However from an older blogarticle Shirovs brilliant Bh3 we can deduct that the examples are not widely spread anymore. I am curious if there are readers knowing such specific positions from practice or maybe encountered them when analyzing their own games. At chess problems composers often work several days which permits sometimes still to fool the best engines. An example of such puzzle I found on a forum in which white gives mate in 60 moves !
[Event "Mate in 60 moves"] [Date "1949"] [White "Karel"] [Black "Fabel"] [Result "1-0"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "8/4K3/4NN2/p3p3/rnp1p3/1pk5/bp1n4/qrb1N3 w - - 0 1"] [PlyCount "119"] 1. Ke8 Ra3 2. Kd7 Ra4 3. Kc8 Ra3 4. Kb7 Ra4 5. Kb6 Ra3 6. Kb5 e3 7. Kb6 Ra4 8. Kb7 Ra3 9. Kc8 Ra4 10. Kd7 Ra3 11. Ke8 Ra4 12. Kf8 Ra3 13. Kf7 Ra4 14. Ke8 Ra3 15. Kd7 Ra4 16. Kc8 Ra3 17. Kb7 Ra4 18. Kb6 Ra3 19. Kb5 e4 20. Kb6 Ra4 21. Kb7 Ra3 22. Kc8 Ra4 23. Kd7 Ra3 24. Ke8 Ra4 25. Kf8 Ra3 26. Kf7 Ra4 27. Ke8 Ra3 28. Kd7 Ra4 29. Kc8 Ra3 30. Kb7 Ra4 31. Kb6 Ra3 32. Kb5 e2 33. Kb6 Ra4 34. Kb7 Ra3 35. Kc8 Ra4 36. Kd7 Ra3 37. Ke8 Ra4 38. Kf8 Ra3 39. Kf7 Ra4 40. Ke8 Ra3 41. Kd7 Ra4 42. Kc8 Ra3 43. Kb7 Ra4 44. Kb6 Ra3 45. Kb5 e3 46. Kb6 Ra4 47. Kb7 Ra3 48. Kc8 Ra4 49. Kd7 Ra3 50. Ke8 Ra4 51. Kf8 Ra3 52. Kf7 Ra4 53. Ke8 Ra3 54. Kd7 Ra4 55. Kc8 Ra3 56. Kb7 Ra4 57. Kb6 Ra3 58. Kb5 a4 59. Kb6 {(Black finally run out of moves.)} Nf1 (59... Nd3 60. Nd5#) 60. Ne4# 1-0
Of course this is not a normal position anymore but it does show that the human player isn't fully defeated by the engines. In the category of exceptional positions certainly belongs also the position of my game. The temporarily locked bishop on h1 and the preliminary control of the critical square h6 are a funny concurrence which engines today can't handle. To be more precise the HW and SW which I use today can't. Some readers certainly possess stronger equipment which maybe can sufficiently shift the horizon so a different image is created.Brabo